Optimization Properties
Setting properties will influence the way the Optimizer is finding a solution to a problem set. By default, the optimization properties are tuned to solve most of the use-cases. It is recommended to keep the default properties as much as possible. However, some properties need to be set. Especially, properties that influence the runtime or the filtering ability of the Optimizer are set usually on startup and are adjusted to meet the user requirements.
Setting properties
Setting properties is done before the optimization starts, like:
private static void addProperties(IOptimization opti) {
// Create an empty properties object
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("JOpt.Algorithm.PreOptimization.SA.NumIterations", "10000");
props.setProperty("JOptExitCondition.JOptGenerationCount", "2000");
// Adding the properties to the optimization
Properties that should be adjusted
Key | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |
JOpt.NumCPUCores | 4 | [] | NumCPUCores defines the number of cores JOpt will use. |
JOptExitCondition. JOptGenerationCount |
5000 | [] | After a certain number of generation JOpt terminates the Optimization |
JOpt.Algorithm.PreOptimization. SA.NumIterations |
150000 | [] | SA.NumIterations defines the number of iterations for simulated annealing. |
Further, optimization weights might be tuned to achieve the desired outcome.
Overview of available properties
Category: General Setup
Key | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |
JOpt.PropertyChecker. ShowWarnings |
TRUE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Property for enabling and disabling the output of the property checker. |
JOpt.NumCPUCores | 4 | [] | NumCPUCores defines the number of cores JOpt will use. |
JOpt.UnlocatedIdleTime | FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | True: Idle time is not arising at a particular node. |
JOpt.plausibility.doInputCheck | TRUE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Property to turn on the structural integrity of the system created or user-provided initial solution. |
JOpt.plausibility. doInputCheck.doCapacityCheck |
TRUE | [TRUE, FALSE] | In case doInputCheck is true, this setting can disable the capacity check of the available workingHours vs. the necessary total duration of all nodes. |
JOpt.IntermediateStage. ThrowResults |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Do we want to have a result after each Optimization stage? |
JOpt.PlausibilityGuard. PropertyChecker.Active |
TRUE | [TRUE, FALSE] | TRUE: The property checker is activated (default behavior). |
Category: Construction
Key | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |
JOpt.Assisted | TRUE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Turning on or off the assisted constructor. The assisted constructor is creating a starting solution for JOpt. |
Category: Pre-Optimization
Key | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |
JOpt.Algorithm.PreOptimization. SA.NumIterations |
150000 | [] | SA.NumIterations defines the number of iterations for simulated annealing. |
JOpt.Algorithm.PreOptimization. SA.StartingTemperature |
10.0 | [] | SA.StartingTemperature defines the starting temperature for simulated annealing. |
JOpt.Algorithm.PreOptimization. SA.CoolingRate |
0.999985 | [] | SA.CoolingRate defines the cooling of simulated annealing after each iteration. |
JOpt.Algorithm.PreOptimization. SA.NumRepetions |
1 | [] | SA.NumRepetions defines the number of cycles for simulated annealing. |
Category: Genetic Setup
Key | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |
JOptExitCondition. JOptGenerationCount |
5000 | [] | After a certain number of generation JOpt terminates the Optimization |
Category: Optimization Weights
Key | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |
JOptWeight.TimeWindow | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'timeWindow' during the Optimization. A higher value results in a higher Optimization cost penalty for violating a time window of a node. |
JOptWeight. ResourceRadiusDrivingDistance |
1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'distance' radius during the Optimization. If a maximal driving radius (distance) for a certain resource is defined as a soft constraint, a higher value of this property results in a higher cost penalty if the resource is violating its maximal allowed radius. |
JOptWeight. ResourceRadiusDrivingTime |
1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'driving time' radius during the Optimization.If a maximal driving radius (time) for a certain resource is defined as a soft constraint, a higher value of this property results in a higher cost penalty if the resource is violating its maximal allowed radius. |
JOptWeight.TimeWindow. TimeWindowEarlyFactor |
10.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'TimeWindowEarlyFactor' during the Optimization. If a resource is early at a node (creating idle time) an Optimization cost is assigned taking this value as cost multiplier. |
JOptWeight.TimeWindow. TimeWindowLateFactor |
100.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'TimeWindowLateFactor' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.TimeWindow. ServiceHours |
10.0 | [] | JOpt weight for meeting 'ServiceHours' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.TimeWindow. TimeWindowEarlyFactorAtFirstNode |
1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'TimeWindowEarlyFactorAtFirstNode' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.Relationships | 100.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'Relationships' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.TotalDistance | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'TotalDistance' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.Capacity | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'Capacity' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight. UselessUnloadAllVisitation |
1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'UselessUnloadAllVisitation' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.RouteDistance | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'RouteDistance' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.DistanceExceeded | 10.0 | [] | JOpt weight for exceedance of 'RouteDistance' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.TimeExceeded | 100.0 | [] | JOpt weight for exceedance of 'TimeExceeded' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.ResourceLocationBias | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'ResourceLocationBias' during the Optimization. For, the last element of a previous route and the first element of the current route the distance is extracted. The higher this distance is, the more cost will be assigned. Therefore,a global clustering (over different route of the same resource) is motivated. |
JOptWeight.RouteTime | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'RouteTime' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.TotalTime | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'TotalTime' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.ResourceActive | 0.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'ResourceActive' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.NodeType | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'NodeType' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.PreferableResource | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'PreferableResource' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.UnPreferableResource | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'UnPreferableResource' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.WorkingTime | 5.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'WorkingTime' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.CompactingFactor | 1.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'CompactingFactor' during the Optimization. |
JOptWeight.NodeCompactingFactor | 0.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'NodeCompactingFactor' during the Optimization. In case a node is visited in time but not at the beginning of its opening hours a cost is arising the later it is visited. |
JOptWeight.ZoneCode | 10.0 | [] | JOpt weight for 'ZoneCode' during the Optimization. A higher value results in a higher Optimization cost penalty for violating a ZoneCode of a node. |
Category: AutoFilter
Key | Default Value | Allowed Values | Description |
JOpt.AutoFilter. LateArrivalMargin |
0 | [] | No description available |
JOpt.AutoFilter. EarlyArrivalMargin |
0 | [] | No description available |
JOpt.AutoFilter. WorkingHoursExceedMargin |
0 | [] | Margin for overtime in seconds |
JOpt.AutoFilter. RouteDistanceExceedMargin |
0 | [] | Margin for over-distance in meter |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter | FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Turns on or off the selective AutoFilter. The selective AutoFilter is able to sort out nodes that are violating the Optimization to often. In addition to this property the desired violations that should be considered need to be defined. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. TimeWindow.Early |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that are visited to early in too many Optimization steps are filtered out. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. TimeWindow.Late |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that are visited to late in too many Optimization steps are filtered out. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. DoubleBooking |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that are potentially double booked in to many Optimization steps are filtered out. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. ResourceMismatch |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that are visited to often by wrong resources (either preferred or mandatory) are filtered out. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. NodeType |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that are visited by the wrong type of resource are filtered out. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. RelationShip |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that have wrong relations to other nodes. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. CapacityOverload |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that are causing an overload of the resources are filtered out. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. WorkingHoursExceeded |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that are causing a working hours exceedance of a resource are filtered out. |
JOpt.SelectiveAutoFilter. MaximalRouteDistanceExceeded |
FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Nodes that are causing the maximal allowed route distance to be exceeded are filtered out. |
JOpt.AutoFilter | FALSE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Turns on or off the AutoFilter. The AutoFilter is able to sort out nodes that are violating the Optimization too often. |
JOpt.AutoFilter. useStrictFilterOnLastExecution |
TRUE | [TRUE, FALSE] | Enables the strict mode for the last execution of the autoFilter. |
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